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CV: ExecSum
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The first Dutch writer who put a homepage on the net, as a means of
re-publishing my columns, essays, and books which are out of print. The
web is indeed an excellent library. I started my homepage at the beginning
of 1995. (There is a mailing list through which I distribute my columns
My subjects are varied, but I tend to write about matters of politics,
technology, privacy, media, sex, health and bodies, and especially about
the areas where these subjects merge or collide. Give me a brainbreaker,
a couple of good books or papers on the subject plus three months, and I
will come up with an essay that bites or seduces you, and that will give
you a few ideas that you never thought of before.
For one of my books, Aan hartstocht
geen gebrek («Passionate imperfections»), made together
with photographer Gon Buurman and that deals with disabilities and sexuality,
I was awarded the Mary Zeldenrust-Noordanus prize in 1993 for the gentle
way in which we broached a highly taboo subject. Another book, Het strafbare lichaam («The penal
body») sold almost 30,000 copies in one year. In that book, I coined
the word «orenmaffia» (in English: «mind mob») for
those New Age quack thinkers who believe that all diseases originate in the
mind, and can only be «cured» via mental routes. The word became
quite common and made it into the Dutch dictionaries.

In the middle of 1995, I got involved with civil rights issues on the
net on a rather personal level: Scientology raided my provider,
XS4all, over a homepage
that one of their other customers had put on-line. That raid brought about
a whole cascade of questions: are homepages the responsibilty of their
makers, or of those through which systems they are served? Are internet
providers to be regarded as publishers, or as common carriers? Is a
complaint enough on the net to make a provider pull a page? How does
censorship on the net work?
Through these questions, I became involved in freedom of speech issues.
Meanwhile, I have learned a lot about the net, won three
court cases against Scientology, I write and lecture about the net quite
regularly, and have become involved in various organisations that strive to
put the net to a political and educational use, to educate people and politicians
about the net, to inform patients, and to define and defend civil rights on the net.

From 2002 to mid 2005, I was an external advisor for the Freedom of the Media bureau
of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (the OSCE) on the subject of
internet and freedom of the media. In that capacity, I have written several
articles and did various presentations for them, and have assisted in organising
their expert conferences on Freedom of the media and the Internet, the
second of which was held in August 2004. The first conference
issued the Amsterdam Recommendations (June 2003). The third and final
conference will be held June 17-18, in Amsterdam.
Furthermore, I was invited to join a government advisory committee
investigating means and methods of giving patients a better position within
the complex health care structure, and that seeks to enable them to (co-)define
the way that care and cure are organised and implemented. We work under the
ZonMW umbrella, and we both
initiate and subsidise pilot projects and research.
As a board member (often chair) of a number of organisations, I have
developed various managerial qualities, often helping to make non-profit
organisations work more smoothly and more effectively, while never
forgetting their ideological stance.

In May 2005, I started my own company, Spaink.net.
In April 2005, I became editor in chief of The Next Ten Years, a series of books dealing with developments and uses of the internet after its first booming decade. We will publish two books per year, each edition dealing with a different topic. The first book (published in September 2005), was about electronic patient records. the second book (April 2006) about gaming economics. In September 2006, I received the ISOC award for 'Medische geheimen'.
In May 2005, I embarked on another big project: researching and writing the history of Hack-Tic and
XS4ALL. The book will cover the years between 1989, when Hack-Tic was started, and circa 2005. It is scheduled to appear in 2010.
Born: |
1957 |
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Education: |
1975-1981 |
Teacher's Training College d'Witte Leli, Amsterdam; main
subject: English |
1981-1984 |
Sociology, University of Amsterdam |
1986-1987 |
Computer programming, Volmac/Fokker |
oct 2008 |
SCUBA Open Water Diving certificate
Work: |
1981-1982 |
teacher of English, secondary school (Ashram College,
Alphen a/d Rijn) |
1982-1987 |
educational bureau of PSP / GroenLinks, a political party
(leftist liberals) |
1988-1990 |
programmer at Fokker Aircraft, Amsterdam |
1985- now |
freelance writer, columnist and lecturer |
2005- |
started my own company: Spaink.net |
2005- |
editor in chief of The Next Ten Years, a new series about internet technology,
politics & society; publishing two books per year, each on a different subject
Boards: |
1996-2003 |
president of Contrast.org |
1997- now |
member of the Board of Advisors of De Waag |
1999-2006 |
president of Bits
Of Freedom (BOF), a Dutch organisation that promoted
digital civil rights |
2000-2002 |
member of the board de Geuzen, an art collective questioning the visual arts
and media representation |
2000-2007 |
Chair of Vrolijk,
the famous Amsterdam gay and lesbian bookshop |
2003-2005 |
member of the board of
Spamvrij.nl, an
organisation that exposes Dutch spammers and lobbies for proper anti-spam
laws and policies. |
2009 |
member of program committee for
HAR, the 20th anniversary
of the Dutch out-door hacking conference.
Juries: |
1993 |
Hans-Paul Verhoeffprijs, for national aids projects |
1995, 1996 |
Prix Ars
Electronica, international electronic art prize (.net jury) |
1998-2005 |
De pen als lotgenoot («the pen as companion»),
a national literary jury for stories about illness and disabilities |
1999 |
Shorts International Kriterion, international short film
competition |
2002- now |
Brother Awards, awards for government agencies / companies / people
who violate civil rights |
2006 |
Black Tulip Award jury of the annual
Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival (AFF). |
2010 |
Nano Supermarket: selecting ideas / innovative designs involving nanotechnology. The winner and nominees will be presented in an exibition.
Prizes: |
1993 |
Mary Zeldenrust-Noordanusprijs, for «Aan hartstocht geen
gebrek» ('Passionate imperfections'), a book that I made with photographer
Gon Buurman, for the 'gentle way in which we broke a complicated taboo about sex
and disabilities' |
2005 |
ISOC Award 2005,
for my book 'Medical secrets' and for hacking two hospitals to show that electrnic
patient records aren't half as safe as they need to be |
2008 |
Het roze lieverdje, for my general work, especially where it
concerns LGBT issues |
2009 |
De Van Praagprijs, for my general work: highlighting topics that are usually neglected, and for doing so in a very literary fashion.
Other: |
2002-2005 |
External expert for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE), advising the Representative for the Freedom of the Media
with regards to the internet |
2002-2005 |
Member of the advisory committee «Vraagsturing in de
zorg» («Steering demand in health care») within
ZonMW |
2008 |
Co-mentoring the block «Who is I?» at
DasArts, a post-doctorate institute
for the visual arts - teaching about identity, politics, ideology and
the body
Columns: |
1992- now |
column for the Dutch newspaper
Het Parool, by now
bi-weekly. Circa 350 columns by now. |
1992-2002 |
bi-monthly column for the (by now defunct) gay and lesbian
magazine XL. 65
columns all in all. |
1993-1994 |
column for De Helling, the tri-monthly theoretical magazine for the
political party GroenLinks |
1998-2000 |
regular contributor to the weekly magazine
de Groene Amsterdammer
(33 articles) |
2001-2005 |
regular contributor to the net zine
Netkwesties (14 articles) |
2006-2008 |
Monthly column in
Medisch Contact, a magazine
for the medical profession |
2007-now |
Column in
Lover, a journal for feminist studies
Key lectures: |
1994, apr |
Opzij-lezing («Opzij» is the prime Dutch
feminist magazine), on disability
and independence |
1995, aug |
Opening lecture for a medical convention on the internet |
1995, nov |
Key note for Doors of Perception; on the social, political
and narrative structures within the newly developing net culture |
1995, dec |
Bob Angelo lecture (yearly lecture for the Dutch COC, the
Society for the integration of homosexuality |
1996, sep |
Ars Electronica (Linz); on the body electric and electronic |
1997, mar |
Annie Romein-Verschoor lecture (a yearly feminist lecture),
on feminism, nature vs culture, gender vs
sex, and transsexuality |
1997, oct |
Key note for the European Nursing Conference, about
chronical illness |
2000, mar |
Opening lecture Film Festival Antwerp / Screening Violence,
on film and
violence |
2002, oct |
Lecture for the Biotehnologija, filozofija in spol
(Biotechnology, philosophy and sex) conference in Ljubljana, on cyborgs,
nature and sex |
2002, nov |
Lecture for HGZO on medicine and technology, focusing on
electronic patient records (EPRs, or, in Dutch, EPDs) |
2003, jul |
Lecture on spam, Megabit festival |
2004, jun |
Presentation for the OSCE/FOM on the pitfalls of self-
or co-regulation at the OSCE conference on Racism, anti-semitism and
xenophobia on the internet, Paris |
2004, jul |
Presentation for the OSCE delegates on hate speech and
the internet; OSCE seminar on Guaranteeing Media Freedom on the
internet, Vienna |
2004, oct |
Presentation for the World Press Photo Exhibition on
the internet and freedom of speech, Toronto |
2005, jan |
Lecture for the Vereninging voor Auteursrecht on the
Scientology vs XS4all & Spaink case, which is was then assessed
by the Dutch Supreme Court. |
2006, mar |
Aletta Jacobs Lecture (a yearly feminist lecture), on
public personal stories and their political impact |
2008, apr |
Co-lecture for the annual Globalisation Lecture in
Amsterdam, on Web 2.0 |
2008, nov |
Key note for FiFi,
a technology conference in Amsterdam, on hacking and the development of
the public internet in the netherlands.
1982, Van Gennep |
bekijk 't maar (essays); collection of essays about pornography |
1986, SUA |
De Venus van
Milo in de betonmolen; large essay on sexuality and eroticsm |
1991, Ploegsma |
hartstocht geen gebrek. Handicap, erotiek en lichaamsbeleving;
on sex, body perception and disabilities (with photos by Gon Buurman) |
1992, De Balie |
Het strafbare
lichaam. De orenmaffia, kwakdenken en het placebo-effect; on new-age
quack-thinking and neuro-immunology) |
1993, Van Gennep |
en stenen. Verhalen; collection of short stories |
1993, Van Gennep |
vrouw. Autobiografie van een lichaam; autobiography of a body;
the micro- and macrolevels of illness, health, society |
1994, De Balie |
Introduction to
Donna Haraway's «A cyborg manifesto»; about science
fiction &, medical science, gender and artificial intelligence |
1996, Rotterdam Festival |
Waarom wil iemand de Mona Lisa in het Louvre zien?; booklet
on the internet and the unhampered quest for a physical presence |
1996, Nijgh & Van Ditmar |
M/V, doorhalen wat
niet van toepassing is; essays about gender, transsexuality,
sexuality, sexual violence, the internet, kiddy porn, censorship and
other preconceived ideas |
1998, Holland Festival |
De man met de hamer; theatre play about «musical
taste» for the closing night of the Holland Festival, performed by
Theatergroep Hollandia, June 1998 |
2001, Nijgh & Van Ditmar |
dood in doordrukstrip; essays about death, euthanasia, suicide,
methods and means |
2005, TNTY / Nijgh & Van Ditmar |
Medische geheimen; book about the risks of electronic
patient records and the endangered medical secret< |
2007, Nijgh & Van Ditmar |
Open en bloot - borstkanker zonder opsmuk. Pamphlet about
the various social, medical and gender issues surrounding breast cancer |
2008, Elsevier |
Het borstkankerlegioen. Collection of articles and columns
breast cancer and its treatments
1993, Amber |
«Grimmige vertellingen», in: Zoeter dan honing.
Contribution to a collection of revenge stories |
1994, Nijgh & Van Ditmar |
«Grafherrie en seriemoordenaars», in: De duivel
in vermomming, Contribution to a collection of essays on music |
1996, De Geus |
«Op eigen wielen», in: Trots en treurnis.
Contribution to a collection of essays about disabilities |
1997, Contact |
«Miss Onweer», in: Venus in vlam. Contribution
to a collection of lesbian love stories |
1997, Elchers |
«Papier maché», in: Zinnen-Beelden /
Cast Images. Essay for an art book about the human body |
1997, Bunge |
«Artsen en patiënten», in: Multiple
sclerose. Essay for a scientific book on multiple sclerosis |
1999, LJ Veen |
«Bij het ontwaken», in: De vergulde pil.
Contribution to a book on hospital fiction |
1999, LJ Veen |
«De woorden ontraadseld», in: Het wereldraadsel.
Contribution to a book with short stories on metaphysical matters and
mindsets |
2000, Byblos |
«Miss Onweer», in: Echte vrouwen beminnen anders.
Contribution to a book with love stories by women |
2000, Boekerij |
«Grimmige vertellingen», in: Samen op weg.
Contribution to a book on behalf of the Nierstichting |
2001, Rainbow |
«Was het te snel?» in: Zin, niet-correcte
erotische verhalen door vrouwen. Contribution to a book with steamy
and horny sex stories |
2002, OSCE yearbook |
«Freedom of the Internet - Our New Challenge» in:
The OSCE Yearbook on Freedom of the Media. Assessment of the current
situation with regard to the internet, from the point of view of freedom
of the media, for the 2001/2002 Yearbook of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe |
2002, Maska |
«Kiborgi: onkraj dihotomij» («Cyborgs: beyond
dichotomies», in: Biotehnologija, filozofija in spol (Biotechnology,
philosopy and sex). Book for the Ljubjana conference by the same title. |
2003, OSCE |
«From quill to cursor: Freedom of the media in the
digital era», in: From quill to cursor, OSCE/FOM conference book. |
2003, OSCE |
(with Felipe Rodriquez) «Rights and regulations», in:
Spreading the word on the internet; 18 answers to 4 questions. |
2004, Boom |
«Het recht niet te weten», introduction to Factor XX,
a book about biotechnology and gender. |
2006, TNTY / Nijgh |
«Spel en spektakel», in
Een wereld te winnen; about gaming as an upcoming
professional sport and spectator sport. |