From: []
Date: Tue Apr 27 23:15:47 2004
you guys are fucking sick puting pictures of these children on this website. every time i close my eyes those pictures are going to haunt me and you guys say that abortion is unjust and a crime to god, what about those docters that you kill. killing those docters is just as bad as the docters doing there jobs and you have no right in all of gods gren earth to ever kill to bring out your opinions and ideas and fuck you and i hope you all burn in hell
From: []
Date: Tue Dec 9 23:04:12 2003
Murder a doctor! That will get you to heaven faster. You're sick and your grip on morality is nil. This site makes me unfathomably sad, as it demonstrates everything that is wrong with the human race.
From: []
Date: Sat Apr 26 22:44:56 2003
I have noticed that free speech in America is everyone's God given right- UNLESS you disagree with the next person, who accuses you of being some sort of wacko, extremist, fascist, fanatic, etc...
From: []
Date: Fri Nov 22 00:25:28 2002
Anti-Abortion activists and their supporters,It is now time that a hit list is made for anit-abortion activists and their supporters. If they can do it, then we have the right to do it too. Karen will be the first person on the list and her family will be next. Watch out hunny, your carma is coming!!! Have a nice day and watch your back! :)Julie
From: []
Date: Sat Mar 31 02:08:35 2001
"Free speech advocates" who oppose abortion are of quite different minds when it comes to what they regard as "sacreligious" art by women of color.
To see how "big guns" of Santa Fe New Mexico's religious police are trying to exterminate "Our Lady" by Alma Lopez Please see this site:
Do it soon. If you choose to act, Wed Oct 4 is the court date.
From: karin Spaink <>, site maintainer
Date: Thu Mar 29 02:01:47 2001
For all those still interested, the 9th circuit just slammed the previous ruling and said that the propaganda from the anti-abortionists - including the Nuremberg Files - is well within the limits of free speech.
Please read the 9th circuit ruling for an update.
From: SinnFeinJ@Hotmail []
Date: Tue Mar 13 17:45:04 2001
Let's face it. Orwell is right .Communism-Nazism are not dead. They have merely in Hegel's words synthesized as Communazism only they donot call it is New-Labour Scargill in a Saville row Suit oxford -cambridge degree. Here in zionazi US. It is New Wall st. Clinton Democracy with nafta, Gatt, Multiculturalism. Government By the Tort layers, Judges. Children are forbidden to learn right and wrong but can fornicate, murder, and infanticide. Like treson if treson succeed none dare csll it treason. None dare call it communazism-zionazism. John Morrison victim of Maryjo white
From: []
Date: Fri Feb 9 01:42:27 2001
Dear Karin,
I feel I must make one or two observations about your decision to mirror the infamous 'Nuremburg Files' website. Let me first tell you a little bit about myself so you can organise your prejudices, as it were :-). I am a 41-year old Englishman, I suppose it would be fair to describe my political leanings as being broadly left-liberal, I am an anti-religious atheist and a firm believer in free speech. I also regularly read Mr. Wallace's "Ethical Spectacle" and usually find myself in agreement with him. But not on this subject. I think it is both misguided and irresponsible of you to give what's left of that evil site further exposure.
Free speech, like any 'freedom', is not and cannot be absolute. This is true of all 'freedoms'. If we were to allow total freedom of *action*, then we would have to allow rape, murder, paedophilia and so on. I hope you will agree with me that this would be unacceptable. Those who would choose to use such 'freedom' to threaten the freedom of others must be restrained to prevent that happening, which is why we have laws and why anarchy is an unrealistic idiocy. Similarly, human 'rights' are not and cannot be absolute. You may say that every human being has the right to life; I ask, will you respect that right in the case of the man who has killed all of your children except one and who is holding the knife to that last child's throat? Will you respect his right to life if you have a loaded gun in your hand? Or will you decide that he is *abusing* his 'freedom' and should have it curtailed? I would hope, the latter.
There is freedom of speech, and there is incitement to murder. You, and Jonathan Wallace, are being either blinkered, hopelessly idealistic or naive in the extreme if you cannot see that the site is clearly an incitement to murder the people listed. Their full names and addresses are given. The tone of the language used to describe them reeks of malice and the lust for second-hand vengeance. They are labelled 'butchers', 'murderers' and so on. On the original site, the names of murdered doctors were crossed out, the wounded were greyed a sick 'shopping list', with the items being ticked off. The *clear* message was "x down, y to go". The intent to *incite* lawbreaking and the terrorising (and worse) of these people was blatant and, in my view (and that of the courts), criminally so. You justify your actions in the name of 'freedom of speech'. I say to you; what about the freedom of those people to live their lives without the fear of attck on themselves, their spouses, their children, their employees...? In your defence of 'freedom', why do you regard the freedom of the perpetrators of that obscene site to expose the personal details of those doctors and their families and incite hatred and attack on them as being more precious than the freedom of those people to remain free from the very real and very justified fear of attack and murder?
How would *you* feel, Karin? How would *you* feel about the rights of the owners of that site if they involved putting up *your* name, the name of *your* lover or husband, the names of *your* children, together with *your* full address...on a site such as this? How would you feel seeing your children and the house they live in identified on that site, right next to the greyed out names, the crossed out names, seeing more names getting greyed out and crossed out around you every day....? Tell me, would you not feel that *your* freedom was under threat? And not merely your freedom to *speak*, but your freedom to *live*? Yours, and your childrens? And would you not feel that those freedoms were just a bit more important?
You are too inflexible, Karin. You think freedom is a single thing, a shining, indivisible light that must be protected no matter what else is at stake. You fail to recognise that freedom, like all human ideals, comes in differing shapes and sizes, has blurred edges, sometimes shines clear and constant, sometimes flickers. You do not recognise that freedom must sometimes involve compromise. That freedoms are relative, not absolute.
The fact that you do not recognise this makes you an extremist. So perhaps it is not so inappropriate that you post the vile work of other extremists with little thought for the consequences of your actions, only specious, self-righteous sermonising about 'freedom' to justify something which puts at risk the lives of those people named on that site. And believe it, Karin. your actions, in defence of the freedom of those hatemongers, has increased the risk to the lives of the people they name. Does that really sit easily on your conscience? Will it continue to do so if others on that list get murdered? Search your heart. Put yourself in their position. But above all, *think*. Please.
I hope you never find yourself in a position similar to that of the poor people on that list, Karin. Although I fear it might take that to make you realise what a dreadful mistake you've made.
From: Karin Spaink <> []
Date: Thu Jan 11 16:16:57 2001
Damn. Due to a stupid mistake I lost a big part of the current guestbook.
All entries between August 2000 and January 2001 are gone. I am ever so sorry.
Karin Spaink, site maintainer.
From: []
Date: Thu Aug 31 23:44:46 2000
The baby outside its Mother's womb is still very much dependant on others to feed it and cloth it for many years therefore the baby is very much dependant on others for its physical surival for many years. Just because it can breath on its own doesn;t mean it can survive on it own and in that way it not much different than the baby in the womb. Exactly how do you know when the fetus becomes self-aware. After all, all of its major organs ( including its brain ) are fully developed as early as 8 weeks after conception. On that everyone is only guessing. That is the truth!
So it is all together possible that the fetus as early as 8 weeks old feels pain and it aware of itself.
Just because we usually do not remember our time before two or three years of age does not mean we are not thinking prior to that time but rather that our memory is not fully develop enough to maintain these memories. Also interesting to note is that many doctors encourage the Mother as well as the extended family to talk to the unborn fetus so that when it is born it will be familiar with these voices. If it is not self-aware then how would this be possilbe. Interesting isn't. The truth is that the womb is a mystery and none of us are exactly sure what happens and when.
Because we are not sure exactly when self-awareness really occurs abortion becomes a very scary thing. Because as long as there is the slightest possilbitly that the fetus is aware and can feel pain we owe to ourselves and the fetus to act with compassion.
I do realize that there are many young and poor women who find themselves in unwanted pregencies but there are also many good people who want to adopt and are on waiting lists for years. As a compassionate society shouldn't we push for adoption as the best possilbe solution and turn to abortion only if all else fails.
It seems to me that we push abortion first as an easy way out when in fact it is the hard way. For Mom as well as fetus. Life in any form should always be our first concern. Many abortions are done for convenience and not thought all the way through. Many pro-choicers are pushing young women for abortion with out couseling them as to alternative solutions. That is a disservice to everyone.
So I say to the pro-choicers push the alernative solutions first and hard. Leave abortion as a last ditch solution if and only if all else has failed. Now don;t tell me that that is the case cause if it where there would not be over one million abortions in this country every year. NO WAY. Abortion has become a birth control method and not a last ditch solution as it was orginally intended and that is another truth! One most pro-choicers do not want to deal with.
From: []
Date: Sun Aug 20 06:01:47 2000
I am simply mazed at the stupidity I see from some of the people who have signed your guestbook. Hello, it's a mirror site, not her own site. Sheesh...
From: []
Date: Sun Jul 30 12:44:39 2000
people are calling your website sick, when what's really sick is that people are going around chopping up little babies every day and these people have chosen murdering babies as their job. if they had murdered these babies a couple months later, america would want justice, and want these doctors put to death or locked up.
look at the pictures of these precious innocent things that were a life, chopped up and painfully and brutally butchered. the very mothers who created them and provided that wonderfully warm and cozy enviroment having these little people sucked out of that womb to die. these doctors have killed, when there are plenty of people who would have loved to have that child as their own had it been allowed to live.
abortion is the most disgusting thing i've ever heard of. it seems like something that would happen in a science fiction novel, not in the united states. in south carolina, we can't even gamble because it is seen as immoral, but we can get our unborn babies chopped up all we'd like. it's just sick.
From: []
Date: Fri Jul 21 10:16:29 2000
Deze discussie is erg interessant omdat het om iets heel essentieels gaat. Bij het lezen van alle reacties vallen met name de heftige emoties op die de files losmaken. In eerste instantie vond ik het ook te ver gaan om in naam van vrije meningsuiting deze files te publiceren, maar na enig nadenken sta ik er toch wel achter.
Belangrijk vind ik dat wanneer je staat voor een bepaald principe, in dit geval het recht op geboortebeperking/abortus ("baas in eigen buik") je ook voorbereid bent op een aanval van mensen die het tegenovergestelde principe vertegenwoordigen. Ik ben ervoor om in plaats van "de vijand" de mond te snoeren, de confrontatie aan te gaan. Je moet je vijanden in de ogen kijken en niet voor de confrontatie weg lopen als je werkelijk overtuigd bent van je principes.
From: []
Date: Fri Jun 2 04:01:17 2000
Anyone can say any damn thing they want about this issue and think they are right, because it is only their opinion.
Personally, I do believe abortion is wrong but what is the greater wrong, the violence or the promotion of it. It is a sin just as great as infanticide itself.
Karin, if your family was placed on a list like the ones seen here, you would be appalled. Im appalled. I have no family on the list, if i did I would be angry enough to have every hitman and his mother on your ass. but like I said, its an opinion. This one happens to be mine.
Also, i have took the time to read many of the guestbook entries, and "CONGRATULATIONS" Your Followers Are Ignorant Fucks who can't spell worth a shit. Hurray!!!
Do something more important like post up names of sex offenders in your area or join the fucking neighborhood watch. Don't pollute the planet with your filth and idealogies about how wonderful it is to fuck with people's lives and handing their names out to any sick bastard that wants it. Thank you. Im sorry I read your site. i could have done something more productive like clean out my fucking car.
From: []
Date: Thu May 11 02:51:10 2000
I would like to make a comment. We all are entitled to our first amendment right of free speech. But we do not have the right to step on someone else's rights in the process. We cannot impose a certain belief, whether right or wrong, on another person.There is NO exception.I disagree with the ideas on this site and think of it as work from someone that has no life of their own. I think that it is WRONG to put in danger the lives of other human beings. (Would YOU appreciate YOUR name on a similar list?)Think before you act. There are better, more civil ways of going about this issue.
From: []
Date: Wed Apr 26 18:56:33 2000
I think the Nuremburg Files is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. My friends father is on the list and I am at his house all the time. Basically if you are watching him you are watching me. I think you guys should get a life and people should start protesting about you sick fucks. To ask people to get information on doctors who give abortions is fucked up. There is no reason for this site to have doctors SSN's, addresses, cars they drive, or for that matter anything else about them. How about I follow your ass around and get all your information. I don't think you would like it to much. I hope I run into one of you motherfuckers watching my friends house or following him because I'm going to more than follow your ass around. I will not watch my friends family come into jeopardy because you stupid fucks can't get the law through your thick heads. I hope one day that all you anti-abortionist are put in a firing chamber and shot because the way you violate these doctors rights by putting them in danger of the radical anti-abortionist is unlawful. Hopefully one day you guys will see how sick you are and that you need to be committed to an psychiatric ward. Also hopefully someone will put up a bulletin that ask people to get information about you, your kids, their friends, your friends etc. Then it won't be so right will it. I DIDNT THINK SO
FUCKING ASSHOLES ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: []
Date: Sat Apr 15 16:37:07 2000
Vrijheid van meningsuiting prima, maar dan wel zinnig alsjeblieft. Waarom aandacht trekken terwijl er levens op het spel staan Karin?
From: []
Date: Tue Mar 14 01:20:08 2000
My apologies -- the guestbook has been temporarily unavailable. It's fixed right now.
Karin Spaink
From: []
Date: Mon Dec 13 18:07:48 1999
Karin - your tenacity to mirror a website like the Nuremberg Files is courageous at least. These people are sick, and twisted. I consider myself a Christian, but in NO WAY would I condone the murder of a doctor because he/she does his/her job as prescribed by law. And the link to the Day One excerpt - a REAL Christian could not have written that piece of work because it is all blasphemy. Going through the lists I began to cry and to beg God to help these people listed. This website should be completely smited from the internet forever, because the pyschotics who used it first can still find it. And new pyschotics can find it as well. A woman's body is HERS, and while I personally would never have an abortion, GOD HIMSELF gave us the gift of free will. Free will to choose our own paths in life, to be subject to HIS judgemen alone. It is not our place to judge our fellow man, only to try to help. Anyone participating in this site, to murder health care professionals, is no Christian and never will be. God be with you Karin, and with everyone who fights for the REAL truth of His Word.
From: []
Date: Fri Sep 10 17:16:29 1999
SICK! SICK! SICK! Get this junk off the internet now, unless you also want to be sued by Planned Parenthood. You are just one of millions of religious fanatics who think you can push and shove your religious stupidity onto others. This file was outlawed legally by the courts - and here you have the nerve to put it on your own personal file for everyone to see again. It does nothing but promote violence and death to doctors and caregivers everywhere. ABORTION IS LEGAL!!! Remember that. There are a lot of good points that I try to instill into every religious fanatic that I encounter when I protect the clinics and doctors offices in my city - who many of these unwanted babies are you religious fanatics willing to adopt!!! The main two people that I run into have adopted none - what a surprise, huh? Just remember, if anything violent happens anywhere, the law enforcement agencies will probably come after you for this sick file on the computer. Good luck - you religious fanatics need it. And ,oh yeah, God bless!! After all, every religion was built around violence in "Gods" name.
From: []
Date: Fri Sep 3 02:55:26 1999
Thank You.
From: []
Date: Tue Aug 17 19:02:16 1999
The Suoreme Court short circuited the political process in dividing Roe v. Wade. There was no opportunity or even any attempt to achieve a consensus opinion.
Tens of millions of committed people, were deeply offended. The ongoing result has been political upheaval and violence, and the violence may be increasing.
I hope the Court avoids similar actions in the future. The country can't afford another fiasco like this one.
From: []
Date: Mon Aug 16 22:36:18 1999
Thank you so much for your courage and sensibility. You sound like a woman after my own heart.
When will people realize that the world will be a happier place when everyone stops trying to impose their will on others?
-- Lynnaea