This page created by Ron Newman.
October 15, 1996
Updated the Arnie Lerma page to include
Judge Brinkema's October 4th decision
awarding Scientology $2500 for 5 copyright violations by Lerma. Also added pointers to
Dave Touretzky page, The Scientology
Raid on Arnaldo Lerma, and to Arnie Lerma's
own home page.
Updated my archive of Shelley Thomson's e-zine **Biased Journalism**, adding
the following issues:
- V2, #15, 8/7/96: Netcom settles with CoS;
Dave Touretzky establishes new
NOTs Scholars Home Page
- V2, #16, 8/22/96: Tom Klemesrud settles with CoS;
Grady Ward's and Keith Henson's August 2nd hearings before Judge Whyte
in San Jose; Inside FACTnet - is Larry Wollersheim threatening to sue
Bob Penny?; Xenu visits Ann Arbor, Michigan (see also
- V2, #17, 9/23/96: Bob Penny and Ann Weber speak out
about FACTnet and their own personal histories; RICO for laypersons
- V2, #18, 9/25/96: Ariane Jackson, an OT8, leaves
Scientology and tells her story
- V2, #19, 10/8/96: Judge Brinkema releases her
decision at last: Arnie Lerma must pay CoS a total of $2500
for 5 copyright infringements. This issue of **BJ** contains the full
text of Brinkema's October 4 decision, which was sealed four days later
by another federal judge. The sealing order is included here too.
- V2, #20, 10/9/96: Keith Henson's
October 4th hearing before Judge Whyte in San Jose; Warren McShane's
declaration in the Henson case, regarding the availability of NOTs
at the Swedish Parliament; Zenon Panoussis's comments on that declaration;
Helena Kobrin and SRCS@aol.com demand that Shelley Thomson cancel
**BJ** V2 #19 which contains the sealed Lerma decision;
a copy of Helena's motion to seal that decision.
September 30, 1996
Updated the CoS vs. anon.penet.fi page
to describe CoS's second attack on the remailer, which led Julf to
close it down on August 30.
Added a section on Zenon Panoussis,
a Swede who posted a copy of Scientology's "secret" NOTs documents
and who has been raided and sued as a result.
July 30, 1996
- Rewrote the spam section of the main page
once again, to state that the spam has resumed, and suggest that
people complain to Westworld.com administrator
Westworld administrator
Christian Fea <fea@westworld.com>.
- Two more issues of Shelley Thomson's **Biased Journalism**:
- V2, #13, 7/30/96: Keith Henson's proposed
case management schedule (and reply to RTC's proposal); RTC's reply
to Grady Ward's request to dissolve the injunction.
- V2, #14, 7/30/96: Dennis Erlich's declaration
describing the raid on his house; MoFo's brief on trade secrets
in the Erlich case
- Rich Burroughs' e-zine
cause for alarm
devoted much of its June 1996 issue to the Scientology spam attack
July 24, 1996
July 18, 1996
- Extensive update to the Grady Ward page,
thanks to Frank Copeland.
- Added two new issues of Shelley Thomson's e-zine **Biased Journalism**:
- V2, #10, 5/14/96: Keith Henson's May 8 deposition;
an interview with EFF's Mike Godwin
- V2, #11, 7/10/96: Dennis Erlich's June 10 court hearing;
update in Keith Henson and Grady Ward cases; Grady describes
the CoS-ordered search of his backup disks (an IRC log);
Cult Awareness Network closes its doors
- Newark Star-Ledger article on CoS spamming, 5/31/96..
I will add more spam-related articles to this site in the next few days.
May 31, 1996
Added link to Frank Copeland's web page
alt.religion.scientology Spam Attack.
May 27, 1996
Since May 19, 1996, the newsgroup
alt.religion.scientology has
been bombarded with thousands of spam postings from at least ten different
accounts or pseudonyms.
For more information on the spam, please visit
Keith Spurgeon's web page
entitled "Scientology ® Materials Posting Attack".
Changes to the Links page:
May 4, 1996
Until further notice, I will not be actively updating these pages to
reflect current events, though I may make other changes. During the
month of May, Marina Chong will maintain a separate "update page"
at http://www.icon.fi/~marina/rnewman/index.htm
with all the latest news.
April 25, 1996
- April 19 issue of **Biased Journalism**,
with a report on Keith Henson's deposition request. That request includes
a demand for e-mail exchanged between Keith Henson and two
Electronic Frontier Foundation lawyers (Shari Steele and Mike Godwin)
- The weekly Boston Phoenix, in its April 19, 1996 issue, published a
lengthy article entitled
"BU's Scientology Connection",
all about Earle Cooley. Cooley is not only a Scientology lawyer who helped raid Arnie
Lerma's home; he's also the Chairman of the Boston University Board
of Trustees!
- The cover story of Reason Magazine for April 1996 is an article by
Georgetown University Law School professor David Post,
The State of
Nature and the First Internet War:
Scientology, its Critics, Anarchy, and Law in Cyberspace
- Add link to August 1995 article in the Minneapolis on-line magazine
InfoNation: The Battle for Usenet,
by Charles A. Gimon
April 18, 1996
Some updates to the
Keith Henson,
anonymous remailer, and
anon.penet.fi pages to keep pace
with current events.
April 17, 1996
April 9, 1996
April 5, 1996
Yet more additions to the Church of Scientology
vs. Grady Ward web page, including his
reply and objection to the deposition
request for large numbers of "documents and things" such as private e-mail.
April 3, 1996
More updates to the Church of Scientology
vs. Grady Ward web page. He has received an
absurdly long, broad, and detailed
deposition request demanding that he produce huge amounts of e-mail, news postings,
and paper documents of all kinds, and even locks, scanners, and shredding machines.
The deposition is scheduled for April 8.
The March 1996
American Lawyer article by Alison Frankel, entitled
"Making Law, Making Enemies", is now available on the Web. This may be
the most detailed article yet written about Scientology vs. the Net.
March 31, 1996
Updated The Church of Scientology
vs. Grady Ward web page with reports on Grady's March 29 court hearing,
most notably the March 31 issue of Shelley Thomson's
**Biased Journalism**. Also added a list of
titles of the secret NOTs documents that Grady is enjoined from soliciting
or publishing on the Net.
Also, Mark Ebner's
Spy Magazine article on Scientology, published in the February 1996 issue,
is now available on the Web!
March 27, 1996
On March 21, 1996, the Church of Scientology sued
Grady Ward and
obtained a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
against him. The suit accuses him of producing a series of anonymous postings called
"Scamizdat" which allegedly violate the Church's copyrights.
See my new page, The Church of Scientology
vs. Grady Ward, for more information.
March 12, 1996
The Dutch defendants have won a total
victory in court!
March 10, 1996
Marina Chong has collected some
reports on
the March 9 pickets in Clearwater, San Francisco, and elsewhere.
At the San Francisco protest, Scientologists
counter-picketed with
signs attacking Grady Ward
as an "Internet Terrorist"!
March 3, 1996
February 26, 1996
Karin Spaink has written a report on the
February 26 court hearing in the Netherlands lawsuit.
February 18, 1996
February 13, 1996
The Cancelbunny has struck again! After four months of winter hibernation,
the Bunny emerged from its rabbit hole to attack an
anonymous repost of "SCAMIZDAT #11". Follow
this link for more information.
February 12, 1996
February 6, 1996
This web site supports the Electronic Frontier Foundation's
Blue Ribbon Campaign
for Free Speech Online
February 1-2, 1996
Added sketchy, preliminary information on
new CoS lawsuit in the Netherlands.
January 27, 1996
January 20, 1996
January 17, 1996
Added time and location of Arnie Lerma's
January 19 court hearing
January 16, 1996
January 7, 1996
January 5, 1996
January 1, 1996
- A couple of personal experiences in Scientology, from book excerpts by
William Sims Bainbridge (Satan's Power)
and William S. Burroughs (Naked Scientology)
- Articles from the Boston Globe of
May-June 1983 describing Scientology dirty tricks in Boston (including
a burglary at the office of Paulette Cooper's psychiatrist), and profiling
Scientology's nemesis of the time, Boston attorney Michael Flynn
August - December, 1995
For earlier entries in this log, see the
What's old on this web site page.
Return to The Church of Scientology vs. the Net main page.
Ron Newman,
Logos and graphics by Elizabeth Fischer.