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Newspaper & Magazine articles on Scientology
(plus a little bit of TV & radio)
This page created by Ron Newman.
Last major revision Tuesday, October 15, 1996. Some links corrected on
February 14, 1998.
Skip forward to Internet or non-Internet
related media index
For a list of recent additions to this page, please visit
my What's new page.
Have you read a recent newspaper or magazine article on Scientology
that I haven't listed here?
Tell me about it!
Please note that all dates below are in US format:
Boston Phoenix article on CoS, Earle Cooley, and Boston University
The weekly Boston Phoenix, in its April 19, 1996 issue, published a
lengthy article entitled
"BU's Scientology Connection",
all about Earle Cooley. Cooley is not only a Scientology lawyer who helped raid Arnie
Lerma's home; he's also the Chairman of the Boston University Board
of Trustees!
Reason Magazine cover story
David Post, a professor at Georgetown University Law School, wrote the
cover story of the April 1996 issue of Reason magazine:
The State of Nature
and the First Internet War: Scientology, its Critics, Anarchy, and Law in Cyberspace.
(Reason is a magazine of
the US libertarian Right.)
American Lawyer article
The March 1996 issue of American Lawyer magazine contains a
great nine-page
article about CoS and the Net entitled "Making Law, Making Enemies"
by Alison Frankel. This may be the most detailed article yet written
on this subject.
Get Wired
Wendy Grossman's excellent article alt.scientology.war, from Wired magazine 3.12 (December 1995),
is now available on the Web.
Other media pages on Scientology
- The American Jurist, the student magazine
of the Washington College of Law at American University in
Washington, DC. Cover story of November 1995 issue,
entitled "Silencing the Opposition:
The Church of Scientology's Holy War Against Critics"
- American Lawyer, 3/96:
Great nine-page article by Alison Frankel entitled "Making Law, Making Enemies"
- Arizona Republic: see Phoenix Gazette
- Associated Press
- 1/3/95: Harassment of Arnie Lerma
- 2/28/95: Raid on anon.penet.fi
- 8/13/95: Raid on Arnie Lerma
- 8/25/95: Judge Kane orders that Wollersheim's attorney
be present while Scientology representative search his seized data
- 9/4/95: Internet battle goes to court
(overview of Scientology vs. FACTnet case)
- 9/14/95: Judge Kane orders Scientology to return
data and documents seized from FACTnet
- 9/16/95: Judge Brinkema orders Scientology to return
data and documents seized from Arnie Lerma, says search went too far
- 10/3/95: Judge Kane appoints Colorado computer expert
to determine whether Scientology agents damaged FACTnet computer
system after seizing it
- 11/29/95: Judge Brinkema dismisses suit against
Washington Post, awards attorneys fees to the Post
- 1/20/96 (with 1/30/96 correction):
Judge Brinkema issues summary judgment against Arnie Lerma
- 7/21/96: General review of the CoS-vs-Net
cyber-war, with special emphasis on the May-July 1996 spamming
- The Australian, November 7, 1995:
Long article titled "Scientology attacks Net freedom to hush critics",
by Chris Bucholtz. A slightly different version of this article appeared
in the November 11 edition of
MicroTimes, a California computer magazine.
- BBS Magazine, 4/95:
Is Free Speech Too Expensive? excellent article by Shari Steele
of Electronic Frontier Foundation, regarding Scientology's legal threats
against Internet service providers.
- **Biased Journalism**, an e-zine by Shelley Thomson:
- Issue 1, 2/23/95: Report on first Erlich court hearing
- Issue 2, 3/14/95: variety of topics: Erlich update,
Cancelbunny, food in Scientology, NYC protest
- Special report on Lerma hearing, 8/25/95
- 8/30/95: Judge Brinkema rules in Lerma case;
ABC News reports on 8/29/95 evening news
- **Biased Journalism**
receives snail-mailed threat from Scientology lawyer, 8/26/95
- Issue 3, 9/19/95: Report on 9/15/95 Lerma hearing
- Issue 4, 11/20/95: David Miscavige to be deposed
in Lerma lawsuit
- Issue 5, 11/23/95: Reports on Gerald Armstrong hearing
and a number of other topics
- Issue 6, 12/17/95: Will the FACTnet 3 settle
out of court with the Church?; Rogue Agent loses his account;
more on Gerald Armstrong; other neat stuff
- V2 #1, 1/16/96: Preview of Lerma case,
plea for Dennis Erlich, auction
- V2 #2, 1/19/96: Summary judgment against
Lerma; long interview with "henry"
- V2 #3, 2/2/96: Excerpt from Geoffrey Filbert's
"Excalibur Revisited", which contains descriptions of OT2 and OT3
- V2 #4, 3/28/96: The suit and TRO against Grady Ward,
and Keith Henson's letter to Judge Whyte about that TRO
- V2 #5, 3/31/96: A report from Grady Ward's
March 29 court hearing; also, a report on Gerry Armstrong's
March 8 court hearing
- V2, #6 was just a repost of material from earlier issues
- V2 #7, 4/8/96: Grady Ward deposed by CoS lawyers;
Keith Henson sued; **BJ** publisher makes hit list
- V2, #8, 4/14/96: Keith Henson's court hearing;
Grady Ward files a $50 counterclaim against CoS
- V2, #9, 4/19/96: Keith Henson's deposition request,
including a demand for e-mail exchanged with EFF lawyers Mike Godwin
and Shari Steele
- V2, #10, 5/14/96: Keith Henson's May 8 deposition;
an interview with EFF's Mike Godwin
- V2, #11, 7/10/96: Dennis Erlich's June 10 court hearing;
update in Keith Henson and Grady Ward cases; Grady describes
the CoS-ordered search of his backup disks (an IRC log);
Cult Awareness Network closes its doors
- V2, #12, 7/23/96: Grady files a reply in support of
his motion to dissolve the injunction against him; RTC defends its injunction
against Keith Henson; NOTs to be handed out at WorldCon science fiction
- V2, #13, 7/30/96: Keith Henson's proposed
case management schedule (and reply to RTC's proposal); RTC's reply
to Grady Ward's request to dissolve the injunction.
- V2, #14, 7/30/96: Dennis Erlich's declaration
describing the raid on his house; MoFo's brief on trade secrets
in the Erlich case
- V2, #15, 8/7/96: Netcom settles with CoS;
Dave Touretzky establishes new
NOTs Scholars Home Page
- V2, #16, 8/22/96: Tom Klemesrud settles with CoS;
Grady Ward's and Keith Henson's August 2nd hearings before Judge Whyte
in San Jose; Inside FACTnet - is Larry Wollersheim threatening to sue
Bob Penny?; Xenu visits Ann Arbor, Michigan (see also
- V2, #17, 9/23/96: Bob Penny and Ann Weber speak out
about FACTnet and their own personal histories; RICO for laypersons
- V2, #18, 9/25/96: Ariane Jackson, an OT8, leaves
Scientology and tells her story
- V2, #19, 10/8/96: Judge Brinkema releases her
decision at last: Arnie Lerma must pay CoS a total of $2500
for 5 copyright infringements. This issue of **BJ** contains the full
text of Brinkema's October 4 decision, which was sealed four days later
by another federal judge. The sealing order is included here too.
- V2, #20, 10/9/96: Keith Henson's
October 4th hearing before Judge Whyte in San Jose; Warren McShane's
declaration in the Henson case, regarding the availability of NOTs
at the Swedish Parliament; Zenon Panoussis's comments on that declaration;
Helena Kobrin and SRCS@aol.com demand that Shelley Thomson cancel
**BJ** V2 #19 which contains the sealed Lerma decision;
a copy of Helena's motion to seal that decision.
- For additional issues of **Biased Journalism**, see
Cornelius Krasel's complete archive
- Boardwatch Magazine
4/95: Editor's Notes by Jack Rickard: "The Security Paradox",
includes brief discussion of CoS raid on anon.penet.fi
5/95: Telebits column by Jack Rickard:
"Church of Scientology: Speak Nicely or We'll Bust Your Net"
5/95: Legally Online column by Lance Rose: "Power Grabs on the Internet",
discusses both Exon bill and "The Church of Scientology's Online Crusades"
7/95: Letters to the Editor. Long letter from Leisa Goodman representing
the Church of Scientology, and equally long, blistering reply from
Boardwatch's editor Jack Rickard
- Boston Phoenix, 4/19/96:
"BU's Scientology Connection", by Dan Kennedy. A lengthy article
about Earle Cooley, who is not only a Scientology lawyer who helped raid Arnie
Lerma's home; he's also the Chairman of the Boston University Board
of Trustees!
- Boston University Daily Free Press
- 9/5/95: Big cover story on
Earle Cooley, who is both Chairman of the Boston University Board
of Trustees, and Scientology's main lawyer in its battle against
the Internet
- 9/5/95 sidebar:
BU trustees praise chairman:
Cooley's leadership, commitment cited as strengths
- 9/6/95: Of church and state
(pro-Cooley editorial)
- 9/8/95: Church's goals are less than noble
(letter to the editor regarding the above editorial)
- 9/11/95: Weekend protest targets
Scientology and Cooley
- 9/11/95 sidebar:
Students share mixed views of
Cooley's role in debate between church and Internet users
- 1/26/96:
article on Cooley's victory in Lerma case. Boston University student
Ramon Kolb wrote a
letter to the
editor, which the newspaper
refused to publish.
- Boulder (Colorado) Weekly, 8/10/95:
long article about Lawrence Wollersheim, in which he invited Scientology
to sue him.
- Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera
- 8/23/95:
Raid on FACTnet members in Boulder County; ACLU lawyer protests
- 9/19/95:
Circuit Court rejects Scientology appeal
- British Broadcasting Corporation's TV show "The Net" (transcripts)
NOTE: Both of the following links have stopped working.
Nobody at the BBC
has answered my repeated emails asking what
happened to these files. If you can reach anyone at the BBC,
please email me!
- British Broadcating Corporation's World Service (radio) has a
"Week on the Web" show. The lead item on 31st October/1st November 1995
concerned Scientology and the Net; here is a
- Cable News Network (CNN) has created several web pages about
Scientology vs. the Net, as spinoffs from their television reports.
These pages even point to my page!
- 8/26/95,
on FACTnet and Lerma raids
9/13/95: Judge Kane orders CoS to return seized FACTnet equipment and data
11/28/95: Judge Whyte issues split decision in Netcom case
- Carnegie-Mellon University's FOCUS magazine, published by CMU's faculty
and staff, published an
in the October 1995 issue on Scientology's legal threats against
both the university and CMU computer science researcher Dave Touretzky.
- cause for alarm,
an e-zine by Rich Burroughs, devoted much of its June 1996 issue to
Scientology's spam attack against alt.religion.scientology
- Colorado Daily (University of Colorado student newspaper)
- 9/19/95: Circuit Court rejects Scientology
appeal of Judge Kane's ruling ordering return of all material seized
in FACTnet raids
- 9/21/95:
U.S. Supreme Court justice rejects Scientology appeal
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 12/13/95:
a legal analysis of Judge Whyte's November decision in the
Scientology vs. Netcom case
Computing (UK magazine), April 1995
Computerworld, 2/27/95
- Cult Awareness Network
newsletter, July 1995 article by Jeff Jacobsen on Scientology vs. the Net conflicts
- Cyberlaw, a monthly column by Jonathan Rosenoer. He has so far devoted three
columns to the Scientology vs. Erlich/Klemesrud/Netcom case:
- Denver Post
- 8/23/95, on FACTnet raids
- 9/13/95: Court victory for FACTnet
- 9/20/95: Circuit Court rejects Scientology appeal;
Scientology appeals to US Supreme Court
- 9/21/95: Supreme Court justice rejects Scientology appeal
- 9/26/95: Scientology refuses to comply with court order
eye (Toronto weekly), 2/23/95
- Freedom magazine's
special issue on the Internet. Freedom is a slick magazine published
by the Church of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs. One of the articles,
"A Crime By Any Other Name",
calls Dennis Erlich a "Copyright Terrorist".
- Glendale (California) News-Press
- Guardian (UK newspaper), 8/17/95:
Raid on Arnie Lerma
Helsingin Sanomat (Helsinki, Finland), 2/18/95, on anon.penet.fi raid
- Independent (London newspaper):
- InfoNation magazine,
August 1995: "The Battle for Usenet" by Charles A. Gimon.
InfoNation is an on-line magazine published in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Internet & Comms Today (UK magazine), by Joel Furr, April 1995
- Internet World
April 1995, Surfboard column discusses Helena Kobrin's attempt to
remove the Usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology, her threats
to various Internet service providers, and the forged cancellations
of messages to the newsgroup.
November 1995: The Ups and Downs of Usenet, by Joel Furr, briefly
describes a number of controversies involving Usenet, including
Scientology's attempts to censor alt.religion.scientology.
December 1995: Scientology's Secrets, by Mark Fearer.
Good general summary of the current controversies between
Scientology and the Net.
December 1995, Surfboard column mentions the September street
protests against Scientology, which "appears to be the first case
of a real-life protest originating from the Internet."
April 1996 "Law of the Net" column by Mike Godwin:
"Church and Statutes". Godwin explains copyright and
trade secret law, and how each applies to the Scientology vs.
the Net cases.
- Search
Internet World's archive
- Java magazine,
June 1995 article by netizen Stephen E. Marinick
- L'Express, the French newsweekly, published an article entitled
"Scientologie: la battaile d'Internet" in the issue dated 21 Septembre 1995.
Here's the article in the original French, and
an English translation
- London Times: see Times of London
- Longmont (Colorado) Daily Times-Call
- Los Angeles Daily Journal, 12/13/95:
analysis of Judge Whyte's November 21 decision refusing to
dismiss Scientology's lawsuit against Netcom. The article says
that despite the refusal, Judge Whyte's decision is largely favorable to Netcom.
- Los Angeles Times
- MicroTimes, a
California computer magazine, published a long article by
Chris Bucholtz of Edittech International in its November 11 edition.
The article is entitled "Scientology Versus The Internet
Debate Rages Over Free Speech, Copyright, Trade
Secrets, Freedom Of Religion, And Other Crucial Issues".
This is a slightly different version of an article published a
few days earlier in the national newspaper
The Australian. MicroTimes published
a reply from the
Church of Scientology representative Jeff Quiros in a subsequent issue.
- National Public Radio, excerpt from transcript of
All Things Considered, June 13, 1995
.net magazine (UK), April 1995:Cult Wars Rage In Cyberspace:
Peter Wilson investigates the irate debate between
Scientologists and their critics
- Netly News, 7/24/96
briefly covered Scientology's May-July 1996 spam attack on alt.religion.scientology
Network World, 2/20/95, by Adam Gaffin
- New Scientist (UK magazine)
- 2/18/95,
on forged cancellations and the Lazarus program
3/11/95, on controversies involving anonymity on the Net
(including both Dennis Erlich's case and anon.penet.fi)
- 3/18/95,
on newsgroup flooding, kill-files, and my Web page
- 4/29/95,
on Scientology's "outing" of critic TarlaStar
- 9/2/95,
on the the continuing battle, and some of the web pages
- New York Times
- 8/14/95:
Dissidents Use Computer Network to Rile Scientology
(covers raid on Arnie Lerma)
- 8/20/95: Sunday Week in Review, on Lerma raid
- 9/14/95: Denver judge rules that Scientology
must return all seized property to Wollersheim
- 12/9/95: Op-ed article by Shari Steele,
staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. A longer
version of this article appeared in the EFF's newsletter EFFector Online
- 1/20/96: Judge Brinkema issues a summary judgment
against Arnie Lerma
- Newark (New Jersey) Star-Ledger, 5/31/96:
The first known article on CoS's spamming of alt.religion.scientology
- Newsday (Long Island, New York), 10/10/95:
Good summary of Lerma and Erlich cases, and legal issues raised
- NOW magazine
(Toronto), 7/4/96: Article entitled "Freedom Flames Out on the Net",
by Colman Jones, about Scientology's spam attack of May-July 1996
- Philadelphia Inquirer
- 2/1/95 on threats to anonymous remailers
- 4/1/95 on Erlich case
- Phoenix Gazette, 8/21/95 on Lerma raid
- Reason Magazine,
April 1996: cover entitled "The State of Nature and the First Internet War:
Scientology, its Critics, Anarchy, and Law in Cyberspace", by Georgetown
University Law School professor David Post
- Reuters
- 9/12/95:Judge Kane orders Scientology
to return seized files to FACTnet
- 10/2/95: CoS president Heber Jentzsch says he'd
go to jail rather than return those files
- 10/3/95: Judge Kane says he'll take custody
of the seized data
- 11/28/95: Judge Whyte refuses to dismiss
Scientology lawsuit against Netcom and BBS operator Tom Klemesrud
- Rocky Mountain News (Denver, Colorado daily)
- 8/23/95: FACTnet raids
- 8/24/95: update on FACTnet raids
- 8/25/95:
yet more, on how Scientology "computer experts" are scanning through
the seized FACTnet files looking for "copyright violations"
- 8/26/95:
Wollersheim's lawyers win right to supervise CoS searching of his seized data
- 8/27/95: Interview with Wollersheim
- 8/30/95: CoS to start returning
some seized data to Wollersheim
- 9/9/95: Report on 9/8/95 court hearing
- 9/12/95: Report on 9/11/95 court hearing;
Wollersheim testimony
- 9/13/95: Judge Kane rules that Scientology
must return everything they seized from Wollersheim
- 9/19/95: Circuit Court rejects Scientology
appeal of Judge Kane's ruling
- 9/21/95: Supreme Court justice rejects Scientology
appeal of Judge Kane's ruling
- 9/26/95: Scientologists fail to comply with
court order requiring return of all seized property
- 9/27/95: Yet another court hearing scheduled as
Penny & Wollersheim seek a contempt-of-court citation against Scientology
- 10/3/95: Church member say they would be
excommunicated and put their souls at risk if they complied with Judge Kane's
order to return seized data to FACTnet
- 10/4/95: Judge Kane appoints Colorado computer
expert to inspect seized computer equipment and data
- 12/13/95: Judge Kane orders Scientology
to return all papers, and almost all computer data, to FACTnet
Sacramento (California) Bee editorial on anon.penet.fi raid, 3/12/95
St. Petersburg (Florida) Times, 8/3/94. This was probably the first
newspaper article published anywhere about alt.religion.scientology.
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Francisco Examiner
- San Jose Mercury
- 2/22/95, on Erlich court hearing
- 11/27/95, on Judge Whyte's
ruling in Netcom case
- 11/29/95: Followup to 11/27 article, finds
that Judge Whyte's ruling actually could be pretty favorable to Netcom
after all
- Scamizdat,
the on-line 'zine that reveals many Secret Scientology Scriptures
Scottsdale (Arizona) Tribune, 3/18/95: Internet users demonstrate against CoS
Seattle Times, 8/26/95: Scientology critics claim harassment for
using Internet: includes interview with Robert Vaughn Young, former
Scientology public-relations officer
- Skeptic magazine
- June 1995
article by netizens (and a.r.s. contributors)
Jeff Jacobsen and Jim Lippard. The print equivalent of my Web site
(but better written!)
- November 1995
update to the above article
- Time magazine
- Times of London, 10/25/95:
Scientologists step up campaign against net critics. Features Martin Poulter.
- Wall Street Journal, 11/28/95:
Judge Whyte refuses to dismiss
Scientology lawsuit against Netcom and BBS operator Tom Klemesrud
- Wall Street Journal, European Edition, 10/10/95:
Scientology's lawsuit against Internet service providers in
the Netherlands
- Washington
(DC) City Paper, 9/29/95article on Lerma and Washington Post case
- Washington Post
- 12/25/94:
Scientology harassment of defectors, journalists
- 2/2/95:
Richard Leiby CyberSurfing column
- 8/13/95: Raid on Arnie Lerma
- 8/19/95:
Style section cover feature on Arnie Lerma. This is the story
that caused Scientology to sue the Post!
- 8/22/95:
editorial? on Lerma case, copyright and the Net
- 8/23/95:
Post reports that it is being sued by Scientology
- 8/31/95:
Judge denies Scientology's request for an preliminary injunction
and temporary restraining order against the Post
- 9/16/95: Judge Brinkema rules
that the church must return Lerma's files
- 11/29/95: Judge Brinkema dismisses
Scientology's suit against the Post, calls the suit's motivation
- 1/20/96: Judge Brinkema issues a
summary judgment against Arnie Lerma
- Westword, a weekly in Denver, Colorado, published a long article
entitled Showdown in Cyberspace,
about all of the CoS-vs-the-Net litigation, with a special focus
on the Colorado-based FACTnet cases. They also printed a
sidebar entitled Hunting Rabbits,
Serving Spam: The Net Under Siege, concerning the mysterious
"Cancelbunny" and the ad-hoc group of Netizens known as the
"Rabbit Hunters" who sought to catch him.
- Wired magazine 3.12 (December, 1995): alt.scientology.war, by Wendy Grossman: The best article
ever written for a widely circulated publication
about the war between Scientology and the Net.
- The Advertiser, Adelaide, Australia:
10/7/95: Inside the Cult, by Alison Braund, a reporter for the British
TV newsmagazine "Twenty Twenty". Braund describes her experience
infiltrating and taking secret films inside a Scientology organization in England
Akron Beacon Journal, 9/2/93: Dental assistants fired for
refusing Scientology recruitment
Alex. Cockburn in New Statesman (UK magazine), 11/27/92: Eli Lilly, Prozac
- The American Lawyer
- Arizona Skeptic
- May-June 1992:
Book review of Norman Spinrad's The Mind Game, by Jim Lippard
- July-Aug 1992:
Science and Dianetics, by Jeff Jacobsen
- Boston Globe
- 5/31/83: Scientology defectors descrie
"dirty tricks" in Boston, including burglarizing Paulette Cooper's
psychiatrist's office, stealing documents from the Boston Globe's law firm,
infiltrating the state attorney general's office, and more
- 6/1/83: all about Boston lawyer Michael Flynn
and his battles with the Church on behalf of various clients
- 5/23/95: excerpt from an article
by Sally Jacobs on money-making cults of the 90s, concerning Scientology's
"management consulting" organizations WISE and Sterling Management
Evening Argus (UK newspaper) 4/12/94: harassment of Jon Atack
- Exotic Magazine,
August 1995. (Note: This link is currently not working.)
This is a free publication distributed mainly at topless bars
in Portland, Oregon. Because of this article "Scientology: Threat or Menace?",
at least 1000 copies were stolen, according to the magazine's editor.
For coverage of this incident, see Willamette Week below.
FOCUS (German magazine) interview with Vaughn & Stacy Young,
former high-ranking Scientology officials. 12/12/94. Translated into English.
- Forbes magazine, 10/27/86: Richard Behar on
"The Prophet and Profits of Scientology". Five years later, Behar went on
to write the famous Time magazine cover story
on Scientology.
- Los Angeles Times
series of June 24-29, 1990, by Joel Sappell and Robert W. Welkos
(24 articles). If that link doesn't work, try
this one.
- Los Angeles Times series of August 27-29, 1978
- Memphis Commercial Appeal, 9/3/95:
Scientology-based "World Literacy Crusade" uses Memphis public school facility,
with help from Isaac Hayes. See also the newspaper's
editorial two days later.
Mother Jones article on Scientology in Russia, March-April 1993,
plus several letters to the editors in subsequent issues
- Music Television (MTV), excerpt from transcript of
the MTV News special "New Religions: The Cult Question" by Kurt Loder
My Life as a Celebrity Scientologist, by Harmon Leon, from
the Dallas (Texas) weekly newspaper the Met, 2/16/95
- Punch magazine, 2/19/88: Russell Miller on being
sued by Scientology over his LRH biography
- Quill Magazine
- Reader's Digest
- May 1980: Scientology: Anatomy of a Frightening Cult,
by Eugene Methvin
- September 1981: Scientology: The Sickness Spreads,
by Eugene Methvin
- The Realist, October 1973. Yes, Paul Krassner's
magazine ran a very long, incisive article entitled "The Awful Truth
About Scientology", written "By Another Hired Stranger".
- St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
- Sally Jesse Raphael TV show, July 9, 1991:
"Scientology Ruined My Life"
- Saturday Evening Post article of March 21, 1964,
entitled "Have You Ever Been A Boo-Hoo?" Reporter James Phelan visits
Saint Hill Manor and meets L. Ron Hubbard
- 60 Minutes, December 22 1985 (excerpt).
"60 Minutes" is a popular US TV news magazine, broadcast weekly
on the CBS television network. They have done two segments about
Scientology, on April 13, 1980 and December 22, 1985. You cannot
obtain official transcripts from CBS because they are on "legal hold"
(whatever that means), but this is an unofficial transcript of
the 1985 segment.
- Spy Magazine,
February 1996: Mark Ebner's deliciously nasty article,
"Do You Want to Buy a Bridge?", about his personal experience
"infiltrating" Scientology
- Time Magazine, 5/6/91:
Famous cover story, "Scientology: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power",
by Richard Behar
- Toronto Globe & Mail, 1/25/80, on what
the Church did to Paulette Cooper
- Wall Street Journal, 3/22/95:
Scientology and Allstate Insurance Co.
- Washington
Post, 12/1/85: "Scientology Winning in Court;
Mainstream Groups Help Support Church's Fight for Legitimacy". This article
is included here primarily because it quotes Scientology's lawyer Earle Cooley,
who is also chairman of the Boston University Board of Trustees, as saying
that he actually joined the Church.
- Weekly Mail & Guardian (South Africa),
11/4/94: Scientology infiltrates Inkatha Freedom Party
- Willamette Week (Portland, Oregon):
- 10/17/91: interview with Dennis Erlich
- 8/16/95:
Mysterious theft of an issue of
Exotic Magazine
that contained an article about Scientology
- 9/27/95:
Stolen issues of Exotic Magazine mysteriously returned to the publisher
in plain brown wrappers
Return to The Church of Scientology vs. the Net page.
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Ron Newman, <rnewman@thecia.net>
Logos and graphics by Elizabeth Fischer.