In OT III, ("OPERATING THETAN, Section Three") Hubbard explains his cosmology and the ins & outs of 'body thetans'. I will try to summarise it, because my lawyer, after finally having seen evidence handed over to him on behalf of RTC, has advised me that including the full text is at this time against my interests. So be it. I therefore will give you this summary, interspersed with comments. Your comments are kindly invited. Please correct any errors and tell me about any information that I may have missed. Page numbers refer to the version of OT III as given in the Fishman Affidavit.
The following portion of OT III is quoted in full in Margery Wakefield's book The Road to Xenu, chapter 13, and I believe all of it has been quoted in other books and articles as well. It provides a nice context for my summary and comments:
The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible
from here) (founded 95,000,000 years ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation
(250 billion or so per planet, 178 billion on average) by mass implanting. He
caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the
principal volcanos (Incident II) and then the Pacific area ones were taken in
boxes to Hawaii and the Atlantic area ones to Las Palmas and there "packaged".
His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of
circuits etc. was placed in the implants.
When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after
six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still
is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. The
length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never
recovered. The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who
attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech
One can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as
precisely outlined. The "freewheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long,
denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as
given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time.
In December 1967 I knew someone had to take the plunge. I did and emerged
very knocked out, but alive. Probably the only one ever to do so in 75,000,000
years. I have all the data now, but only that given here is needful.
One's body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body.
One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long
job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They
respond like any preclear. Some large, some small.
Thetans believed they were one. This is the primary error. Good luck.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 76-77.
Well, lots of things to dissect and discuss here, and perhaps even more things that need some elucidation before we can even begin to understand what Hubbard says in this rather strange and condensed titbit.
But before we start, I believe it may be useful to first explain some more about Scientology's basic beliefs; otherwise it's difficult to make head or tail of the quote.
Jon Atack, who once was a member of Scientology and who has in fact completed OT III before he became a very effective critic of the cult, has provided us with a very useful analysis, OT III rewritten for beginners. Here's what Jon says:
Scientologists believe that they have reincarnated from before the beginning of time. They believe that many interplanetary civilizations have existed. Hubbard restyled the spirit the "thetan". Before the beginning of time, thetans existed, separate from one another (thetans were not created; they have existed for all time and indeed precede the creation of time). With the creation of energy and matter, thetans have gradually become trapped. The principal method of entrapment is through "implanting", where the thetan is hypnotised and given positive suggestions which limit its powers. This process, according to Hubbard has been going on in this universe for four quadrillion years (4,000,000,000,000,000, rather than the mere 8-200,000,000 held by astrophysicists). However, this is just one universe in a series of several.
Scientology seeks to return the thetan's power by stripping away implants and using drills to heighten extrasensory perception and ability. The goal of these procedures is an "operating thetan" - a being who can act independently of his physical body, and can cause physical events to occur through sheer force of will. The "operating thetan" would be capable of dismissing illness and psychological disorder in others at will.
Now that we know that, let's go through it again. Here's how Hubbard's OT III story starts:
The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible
from here) (founded 95,000,000 years ago, very space opera) solved
overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet, 178 billion on average) by
mass implanting. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put
an H-Bomb on the principal volcanos (Incident II) and then the Pacific area
ones were taken in boxes to Hawaii and the Atlantic area ones to Las
Palmas and there "packaged".
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 77.
Hubbard believes in various universes, an idea that has been explored in sci-fi under the name of 'parallel universes'. Hubbard postulates that 95 million years ago, in our particular universe, a Galactic Federation was founded. There are, according to him, seventy-six planets that have gained membership to it. Sure bigger than the United Nations, and very space-opera indeed.
According to Hubbard, earth was once part of this Federation. It suffered from severe overpopulation; an average 178 billion people per planet is indeed rather crowded. The head of the Federation, whose name is later on to be revealed as 'Xenu', although some people think it's 'Xemu' (Hubbard's handwriting is spidery, and thus easy to misread) took draconian measures to reduce the number of inhabitants. Xenu transported the lot of them to earth, then referred to as 'Teegeeack'. After transportation, Xenu used hydrogen bombs on various volcanoes and thereby wiped out all these people. Very effective indeed. He then proceeded to carry off their souls/spirits or 'thetans' and 'implanted' those. This episode - the transport, the bombing, the implanting - was labelled 'Incident II' by Hubbard.
In the other universes, other things happened. All thetans on this planet and on twenty-one nearby stars have Incident II and 'R6' in common. Hubbard refers to these twenty-two planets as 'the Confederation'.
It might be worth mentioning here that the Sea Org's insignia carries twenty-two stars. The number of stars is surely not chosen haphazardly: the insignia is obviously intended to be a symbol of this confederation that had to 'suffer' Incident II.
The other planets within the Galactic Federation - there were seventy-six of them, Hubbard says - supposedly have their own version of Incident II. And other universes - remember, Hubbard believed in parallel universes - would probably have other versions of Incident II as well. But what all universes have in common, according to Hubbard, is Incident I. He describes it in just a few lines and obviously didn't give the matter much thought, or perhaps he didn't dare 'to take the plunge' into this one. Hubbard doesn't say how much time this incident took, nor does he locate it. He's also noteably silent upon what happened in between Incident I and II, if I may say so.
Incident I
Occurs at start of track (4 quadrillion years ago).
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 99-100.
Judging by this, I don't think Hubbard supported either the Big Bang or the Expanding Universe-theory in his private cosmology, although both make much more sense than his. Let's label this one the Snap Story. We have here an undecisive cherub, who doesn't know whether to turn left or right and who comes out twice without ever retreating; and we have horns. A bit angelic for somebody who, as we shall see later, believed that Christ was an implant.
Let's turn to Incident II, which allegedly happened 75 million years ago and occurred on earth:
Incident II is over 36 days long. Capture on other planets was weeks or months
before the implant. Those on Teegeeack (Earth) were just blown up except for
Loyal officers who were (shortly before the explosion on Earth) rounded up.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 79.
So Xenu captured everybody who did not live on earth, held them imprisoned for a few weeks or sometimes even months, and then transported them to earth and mixed them with the rest, that is: the people who did live there. He then proceeded to nuke the lot. Just a few loyal officers escaped this major hydrogen bombing. Judging from this excerpt, it would seem that Hubbard conjures that loyal officers were only to be found on earth. That's exo-speciesm, I think... I also wonder where they went?
Incident II is described in greater detail. Here's the 'sequence':
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 99.
Every bit as cryptic, but at least he elaborates on it throughout OT III. The bit about the thetan, the soul or spirit of a nuked-out guy, getting stuck to an electric ribbon surely reflects Margery Wakefield's comparison of them to insects: upon hearing for the first time about body thetans, she said they sounded like fleas. Based on this description, I'd vote for flies.
Another nicety is the pilot mentioned in the last part of the sequence. Sounds like the ending of a bad horror movie: 'T was all a dream... But although 'mocking something up' usually means 'imagining it', in Scieno-lingo it means more than a mental picture; it is supposedly a self-created object; it is a thing which one can be. Operating Thetans are, again supposedly, able to 'mock up' a picture that has dimensions and location in space and time.
After the bombing, the thetans were 'implanted'. Hubbard decribes the 'sequence' of the 'implant' thus:
(1) capture (being shot),
(2) freezing,
(3) transport to Teegeeack (sometimes via a relay point),
(4) being placed near a volcano,
(5) beginning implant up to "the pilot",
(6) various picture sequences,
(7) the 7s and C.C. and OT II materials,
(8) 36 days of picture implants which give a vast array of materials and
three explanations for the bombing,
(9) transport to Hawaii or Las Palmas for packaging up into clusters.
The pictures contain God, the Devil, angels, space opera, theaters, helicopters,
a constant spinning, a spinning dancer, trains and various scenes very like
modern England. You name it, it's in this implant we call in its entirely "R6".
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 80.
Jon Atack gives some more details than I've been able to find in the Fishman-version of OT III. For instance, he explains how the thetans were transported, according to Hubbard:
The people were killed and the thetans (or spirits) gathered, frozen in a mixture of glycol and alcohol, and brought to Earth where they were placed near volcanoes which were exploded with hydrogen bombs. The thetans were gathered on "electronic ribbons", packaged together as clusters and given 36 days of implanting, to render them servile and incapable of decision.
So what happens is that they're caught, transported, nuked, get implanted up to a certain point (the pilot saying it was all mocked up) and then get fed pictures. They're also given the '7s' (a set of supposed implants, and for the life of me, I don't know which; I don't know if Hubbard does, either. He does not further describe it in OT III). 'C.C.' is the clearing course, the courses Scientologists have to finish before they are allowed to do the OT's. It strikes me as rather funny that Hubbard says they were fed OT 2 as well: something is coming full circle here. I think it helps Scientologists to relate to these poor imprisoned inoperate thetans: after all, it means they're at the same point in their studies. After they're fed OT 2, it's movie-time again. Thirty six days, no less! Then they're transported again and delivered at the volcanoes.
What strikes me as odd, is that in the description of Incident II itself the thetans get to be implanted before they encounter this pilot who says it's all mocked up; but during this implant, they are "implanted up to 'the pilot'". Mirrors in mirrors here... The gist of the implanting, as per Hubbard, is pictures of theatres, trains, helicopters, and modern British life. Pictures of God and the devil are part of it, Hubbard says here. This of course is a statement highly objectionable to those who adhere to Christianity. Elsewhere Hubbard happens to mention that Christ was part of the implant too.
'R6' is short for the 'reactive mind', i.e. the whole of the implant during OT III. The 'reactive mind' is also being referred to as 'bank' (short for: memory bank).
Hubbard repeatedly states that this is all 'fact'. Fact, not fiction. But he obviously chose to ignore a few harder facts, and his story is in flagrant contradiction with, for instance, geology. In Jon Atack's words:
OT III is of course in substantial disagreement with conventional geology. Geologists hold that almost all of the volcanoes listed by Hubbard and both Hawaii and Los Palmas came into being far more recently than 75 million years ago. On a simple point of logic, it seems strange that none of these volcanoes was damaged by the explosion of the hydrogen bombs.
One of these scientific refutations may be found on my homepage: Peter Fordes Scientific Scrutiny of OT III. Hubbard's 'facts' flunk on astrophysics: our universe is much younger that he believes it to be. So be well advised and take Hubbard's story as fiction rather than fact.
There's another confusing paragraph:
His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of
circuits etc. was placed in the implants.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 76.
Ah, here we have the first occurrence of the name of the Beast, sometimes also referred to as 'the Dark Prince': Xenu. The name 'Xenu' is shunned by most Scientologist: they will not speak it, and try to prevent others from reading it. (There's this one Scientology guy on a.r.s. who carefully edits 'Xenu' out of the name of Steven Fishman's account any time he replies to Fishman: he changes it into zenu@ix.netcom.com instead. Rather funny, in fact.) Or Scientologists will pretend they've never heard of Xenu, in adherence with their belief that OT III is very secret and must not revealed to or be discussed with anybody whatsoever.
So Xenu availed himself of renegades to carry out his devilish plot. But renegades of what? Xenu was the leader of the Galactic Federation, according to Ron, wasn't he? So if they were renegades, you would hardly expect them to plot with Xenu, but rather against, wouldn't you? It doesn't make sense. Even fiction needs a coherent plot and should not mess up details.
The next sentence deals with the content of the 'implants'. According to Hubbard, implants are 'false memories', a kind of post-hypnotic suggestion. Here he describes them as 'misleading data'. Hubbard explains that Xenu and his renegades used 'circuits' to place this misleading data in the populace. It's a shame he doesn't give more details. He was a sci-fi writer, wasn't he? So surely he should have been able to come up with something. Now I can't help but think of this movie of Johnnie Mnemonic and hismemory bank...
When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after
six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still
is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. The
length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never recovered.
The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to
solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 76.
Loyal officers - that is: loyal to the people, but I think that from Xenu's point of view we would have the real renegades here, considering what's up next - some officers captured Xenu after his frightful misdeeds. It was not an easy catch: it took six years of battle. These officers then proceeded by caging Xenu in and trapping him in a mountain on one of the Federation's planets. Hubbard believes that Xenu is still there, supposedly alive. According to Hubbard, the place where all this happened has suffered severely and is still bare.
Hubbard turns to the implant now. It is allegedly deadly: 'calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc)', but he quickly ensures his readers that he himself has developed the tech to deal with that, and render the implant harmless.
One can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as
precisely outlined. The "freewheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long,
denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as
given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 76-77.
Now it's becoming complicated. Until now, this was just a nice sci-fi story starring evil princes, but now we'll get entangled in Scieno-speak: lots of lingo to come.
Hubbard here explains his to followers how to deal with the implants placed in us in Incident I and II. Remember, Scientologists 'run' things. They 'run' a routine, for instance, or a procedure. 'Running' means: going over a memory or following an auditing procedure. You can also 'overrun' something, meaning that you take a routine or procedure beyond the end of an auditing process. To put it simply, when you 'overrun' something, you didn't stop in time. I take it that 'auto-running' is meant to denote that a procedure or routine takes off by itself, and just goes 'on and on'. 'Freewheeling' must be akin to running in circles in perpetuum. Hubbard believes that it will kill a person.
But what about this: 'fail to complete one thetan at a time'. I take it that that's a body thetan. But how do you 'take' them? I think I need help on this. Jon?
On OT III, the individual finds "body thetans" by locating any sensation of pressure or mass in his or her body. This is addressed "telepathically" as a cluster, and taken through the cluster-making incident of 75 million years ago. Once this is done, the individual body thetans should be available to be taken through either the same incident or through incident one. (...) According to OT III, everyone on Earth is in fact a collection of such clusters (Hubbard says that each person doing OT III will find "hundreds" of body thetans - many victims of this course believe that they find millions).
Thanks, Jon. So one needs to take all one's body thetans through one of these Incidents, one by one. Sounds like a lot of work indeed.
In December 1967 I knew someone had to take the plunge. I did and emerged very
knocked out, but alive. Probably the only one ever to do so in 75,000,000 years.
I have all the data now, but only that given here is needful.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 77.
Oh-wee! Hubbard dived straight into the implant! The first one to do so in 75 million years! Such a shame that he does not give 'all the data' but holds back on us. Now he's dead and we'll never know all the details of his space soap opera. Oh well. Star Wars is still being televised. At least Hubbard had the grace to explain about these body thetans of his:
One's body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 77.
So we are made up of this 'mass of individual thetans' that are stuck to us. Yuk. And they can form clusters too! "A cluster is a group of body thetans crushed or hold together by some mutual bad experience," that's what I read somewhere. I bet the mutual bad experience is either Incident I or Incident II.
One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long
job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They
respond like any preclear. Some large, some small.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 77.
See? I was right. But 'running beings'? I guess it's following processes not unlike those the pre-clear use when they're 'running an engram', the difference being that they now 'run body thetans'. And the body thetans behave like pre-clears. Hmm, do they have to hand in stats too?
Thetans believed they were one. This is the primary error. Good luck.
Margery Wakefield, The Road to Xenu, p. 77.
'Primary error', sounds like 'primary sin'. And these Scientologists believe all that? Wow. And gee, thanks for the good wishes. I think that the Scientologist who has just started on OT III and has just read all this, could use them. Quite a few of them took a real fright, I've gathered. And what exactly happens to the body thetan when you get rid of it? Does it jump on somebody else? No, they don't, Hubbbard says. It's explained a bit further in the text.
Body Thetans are just Thetans. When you get rid of one he goes off and possibly
squares around, picks up a body or admires daisies. He is in fact a sort of
cleared Being. He cannot fail to eventually, if not at once, regain many
abilities. Many have been asleep for the last 75,000,000 years. A Body Thetan
responds to any process any Thetan responds to.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 78.
Many body thetans 'have been asleep for the last 75 million years'? They sure outdo Sleeping Beauty! And when the Scientologist has rid himself of one of these body thetans, the little thingies may pick up a body of their own. They even like daisies! Where's all the sci-fi gone, I wonder, and the horror?
So what the Scientologist needs to do, is audit all these body thetans, that is: lead them through Incident II, and perhaps I. Then they'll be off. Every body thetan has to be processed individually. I couldn't find a reference as to their numbers. There might be hundreds; could be more, could be less. If you find none, Hubbard says, one needs to go back to some basic courses and perhaps file for a 'Review', that is, a serious talk with one's supervisor, because finding no body thetans is out of the question.
In a chapter called 'The Basic on BT's', Hubbard goes on to explain that body thetans tend to stick together. They form 'clusters' by collision; they keep a picture of this collision, and, in turn, this picture attracts yet other body thetans. (I remember this fairy tale in which a boy with a swan starred; everybody wanted to touch the swan, but once they had, they couldn't get loose. After the first person got stuck, someone tried to pull him loose. He in turn got stuck as well. And the next. And the next. Hubbard's story reminds me of this tale.) Hubbard then goes in a complicated spin, explaining how the collision and the picture of the collision conflate:
Thus we get the concept of a "black theta body". This would be actual BT's
stuck to a thetan plus pictures of BT's stuck to a thetan.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 81.
The solution to this tangled web of stuck body thetans and pictures of stuck body thetans stuck to thetans, is to try and trace the first incident or 'picture' of such a collision or contact, and work from there.
What one has to do is break up the cluster. Clusters are usually derived from Incident II (one is never sure though; they might date back to Incident I). In the real big clusters that are formed in Incident II, these clusters even have hierarchies within the partaking body thetans:
Incident II sometimes forms gigantic clusters. In such there is a leader, an
alternate leader and several (eight to eighteen) more.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 83.
There is alas no reference to the function of this leadership and alternate leadership. Perhaps it's just for the heck of it; after all, they're nasty implanted little bastards. It is even quite common to find that there are clusters made up out of clusters:
In doing a cluster one is likely to find it is made up of other earlier clusters.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 90.
So how does one break up a cluster? Take 'em through Incident II and then they'll losen up, so that you can address the individual body thetans. As I said before, a lot of work to do here.
Another complication is that it will sometimes only appear as if a body thetan isn't gone, but he fooled ya. He is gone indeed. He just left a trace of himself, and what you are trying to audit away is not the thingie itself:
Thetans in the body may obsessively copy the pictures of other thetans.
Therefore you can find it seems that the thetan who just left is still there
because there is a picture left.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 85.
While this may be a nasty trick, there's worse that you may encounter:
Some Body Thetans are suppressive. A suppressive is out of valence in R6.
He is in valence in Incident I almost always.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 78.
Suppressive body thetans! Wouldn't you know. Hubbard sees suppressives everywhere. What do you want to do with them? Send them to Ethics? Expel them from Scientology? Fair game them?
But what is a suppressive body thetan? In Scieno-speak, 'valence' is an adopted personality; 'being out of valence' therefore means behaving as if you're someone else; imposturing, so to say. So when Hubbard says that a body thetan is 'out of valence' in 'R6' - R6 being the Incident II implant - I guess what he means is that these particular body thetans pretend to be linked with the bombing, while in fact they're linked with the cherubs and the Snap Story. The little pranksters!
According to Hubbard, when one manages to rid oneself of all body thetans, one will be able to "accomplish full stable exteriorization" with full perception, that is: get out of your body and move at will through the universe. As L. Ron Hubbard puts it:
OT III is a vital grade. One fronts up to it and does it. When he is
really done, the rewards of OT III and IV exceed his wildest dreams.
L. Ron Hubbard, OT III, p. 93.
For me, I think it's not wild at all. Wildly mad, at best.

Copyright: Karin Spaink, February 1996. Code updated: Sept. 2002.
Quotes taken from Margery Wakefield, "The Road to Xenu", and from L. Ron Hubbard, "OT III", as included in the Fishman Affidavit (US District Court, Central District of California, CV 91-6426 HLH (Tx)
Feel free to distibute this, as long as you don't sue one another or ask money for it. Please retain this copyright notice plus this disclaimer.
For completion's sake, and because my grasp of such an ephemeral subject as that of body thetans is quite flimsy (and I intend to keep it that way) I further include an excerpt from a book written by Geoffrey Filbert, Excalibur Revisited that deals with OT III as well. Filbert goes on at length about the body thetans and the procedures one should apply on them.
Excalibur Revisted was published in electronic form, and Mr Filbert has given it to the public domain in the fall of 1994. It is, amongst others, available via America Online and has been since December 1994. The material is in fact copyright by Filbert; he received his copyright registration on April 25, 1982. Scientology received their first copyright filings for their OT III material on May 12, 1982... So I guess Filbert predates them. These are pages 266 - 268.
(begin Filbert excerpt)
1. Check for any BTs (E-meter, theta perceptics, intention, pressure
areas, telepathy is HOW) on and in:
- Body surface (WHERE)
- Body inside
- In thetan's space (Approx. 40' X 60')
- On thetan
2. Run Incident 2, then Incident 1, until BT(s) have gone and are
released. Then, check for additional Incidents 1's and 2's until
dry (on the meter).
3. Return to Step 2, to find new ones to run. Use ruds while running if
necessary. There is an effort to stop and hurry on Incident 1.
4. When complete, exact date and run both of the incidents on self.
5. If a bog, do Millazo Pack. Write down some 'mutual associations'. Re
each one on this list, FIND THE INCIDENT THAT MADE THEM
ONE, and run that. Then, run OT III, Incident 2 and 1 after that
cluster is broken up. Occasionally, BTs will have an incident that made
them one other then Incident 2, thus this action.
INCIDENT 2: Dates approx. 75 million years ago, earth years,
location, Earth, named TEEGEEACK at that time
(meaning planet of sorrow), involved 33 planets of this
sector, each with populations of 80 - 200 BILLION PER
PLANET. XENU, the ruler, and 'Renegades' decided to
solve overpopulation as follows, but was halted and XENU
placed in a mountain trap after over 5 years of war.
two, start at their being picked up and shot and if from
another planet, frozen in an ice cube, transported
(flying saucer), taken to mountain, a volcano always, H
'HE'S MOCKING IT UP'. There are 26 - 29 days of
implanting (the CC and OT II, God and Devil material,
reasons for this being done, helicopters, etc.) that need
in the HAWAII and LOS PALMAS ISLANDS (8 to a
cluster). If a loyal officer, the sequence is SURPRISE at
being shot, placed at the volcano. Use meter to
determine and determine volcano. Watch for earlier
beginning (pulled in for a tax audit), run only up to the
'HE'S MOCKING IT UP' as BTs can go into 'free fall', spin
and get sick from the 29 days implanting, with pneumonia
and death the implanted phenomena of free
fall in addition to insomnia. Coltus, the Reigning
planet, Hubbard a part of the 'rescuing force that put an
end to it'. Don't force or push them off, and answer the
BTs questions. There were probably not any good or bad
guys in this incident, although Hubbard insists the
sector to have been a cultural desert since. Very SP BTs
can usually be brought around with adept 2WC, Charm,
Ruds, but if not use Power Processing on the rare hard
Incident 1: Dates 4 QUADRILLION YEARS AGO (which is 15 zeros
or 4,000 trillion years ago).
Volcano List
HAWAII Pacific Ocean
MT HOOD Pacific NW
MT RAINIER Washington
MT ETNA Mediterranean
MT ST. HELENS Washington
MT EREBUS Antarctica
MT EVEREST Himalayas - Nepal & Tibet
MT KILIMANJARO Northeastern Africa
LAS PALMAS Canary Islands off NE
Africa MT SHASTA California
MT PELEE Martinique
Volcanoes existed New Zealand
at these locations Philippines
then, but no Mexico
longer South America
North Dakota
Note: These were the most common locations. 600 other volcanoes did and
do exist, which I did not list.
You clear up that a BT is a body thetan, The instructions are self
explanatory, Basically, the reason they are doing this is to where they
won't be confused with hundreds of different thoughts so that they can
have some peace and quiet, and so they won't be other-determined. After
they have run all these remnants of folks out by telepathic auditing on
them, they attain the state of freedom from overwhelm and a return of
full self determinism. One cleans off those 4 areas in the order listed.
It is generally underrun, it is rarely overrun. What you have been doing
all the way up the Bridge is breaking these clusters apart. With Expanded
Dianetics, Grades and all the previous auditing, you have been taking these
off. About 1/2 of the BTs come off and leave and go live their own lives by
doing the lower Bridge right, and the other 1/2 come off here by doing OT
III correctly. So, if you don't do the lower Bridge correctly on someone
and they do a real good job on OT III, they will get about 1/2 of it done.
It is pretty wild material to run and the gains of it are beyond
description. It is not a crazy idea at all. The irony of it is that it
happened a lot more than once. It is listed as an event that happened 75
million years ago. It probably happened to the preclear dozens of times. So,
watch out for your dates.
After that you do not do OT VII, and then put them on OT III again, like the
churches do. You do OT IV which is included here. After they have
done that they have attained the state of certainty of self as a being
and freedom from uncertainty of self.
On OT V they attain the state of freedom from fixated introversion into
MEST and gain the ability to refamiliarize as a thetan exterior with the
physical universe.
(end of Filbert exerpt)
Copyright Karin Spaink.
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