Masked OT Documents
February 19, 1996
As we all know, Scientology has registered masked documents with the Copyright Office of the US. The documents are masked by pasting thin white stripes diagonally over the pages. Sometimes - especially in typewritten originals - a word is discernable between these stripes. These words are usually blackenedd out with a broad felt pen.
This process makes comparison between homepages allegedly containing copyrighted material and the original OT documents virtually impossible. In my lawsuit, Scientology finally decided to hand over the masked copies plus the original documents to a notary. On copies of the masked documents the notary then proceeded to mark the passages that were direct infringements; these were marked yellow. Other passages - that contained paraphrases, additions, summaries, or other material that was not in the original - were marked blue.
Here are two of these infamous masked pages:

This page is from OT II (The word "Confidential" is barely legible). The yellow parts were considered to be infringed upon; the blue parts were not, or in changed form, on my homepage.
The page is officially titled "OT II - Attachment no. 22", copyrighted under number TXu 303-388 at the Copyright Office of the US.

This page is from OT III (The words "Incident 2" are still legible). The yellow parts were considered to be infringed upon; the blue parts were not, or in changed form, on my homepage.
The page is officially titled "OT III - Attachment no. 2 - 2nd note", copyrighted under number TXu 290 496 at the Copyright Office of the US.
Copyright Karin Spaink.
This text is offered for personal use only. Any
other use requires the author's written permission.