For most people, the first contact with
Scientology is
through the Free
Personality Test. How reliable is that test? Chris Owen
Does staring fixedly for hours on end help you
to communicate? That seems to be the idea behind the Training
The NOTS Documents are some of the most
impenetrable of
the Scientology secret texts. Are they profound scripture, insane babble
or medical quackery? The NOTS
Scholars page is where to look for answers.
Ron warned of a future invasion by aliens
called Marcabs. No, really!
Is Dianetics based on proven scientific facts? Jeff Jacobsen
You thought you knew about high
pressure sales
techniques? Timeshare agents are novices compared to the Church of
Scientology. Hubbard even mandated the covert taping of conversations.
Scientology training routines aren't as bad as
sound: you are at least allowed to
A central Scientology belief is that everyone
occupies a
point on the "Tone Scale" with which their behaviour can be scientifically
predicted. Stephen Jones explains the Tone
Scale in his own distinctive (and hilarious) style. Prignillus presents
the full chart with his own improved version.
Essential to the upper teachings is the belief
thetans; the spirits of dead alien beings.
The Squirrelle, a prolific critic on a.r.s,
examines the
theory and
practice behind the Body Communication Process.
Hubbard taught that his sauna-and-vitamin
programme could
flush toxins
(and even radiation!) from the body. Is this idea as crazy as it sounds?
Chris Schafmeister and The Squirrelle take a look at the Purification Process.
OSA representative Andrew Milne claimed that
Purification Process
is not intended to produce physical benefits. Here's the Squirrelle's
Robert Kaufman wrote this detailed critical
account of auditing, the therapy used by Scientologists.
It is alleged that auditing involves the
implanting of
false memories. Take a look at this transcript of
Ron in action and decide for yourself.
A classic book on pseudoscience includes
this transcript of an auditing session.
A report from South Africa describes the coercive nature of the therapy.
A stark illustration of Scientology's plans for
is given in the policy on homosexuals
A contract that
scientologists are supposed to sign, promising not to sue the organisation